OR ELSE in the media
New Research: Ecological effects sand extraction
Sand extraction in the North Sea threatens marine life and the marine food chain, careful depth selection needed for ecological conservation
The Coastal Zone
Take a look and see what all lives on the bottom of the North Sea.
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Keep up to date with all the news around environmentally responsible sand extraction
In the eye of the beholder: exploring the hidden meanings of sand
Elaine Mumford, a PhD candidate at Wageningen University, spent her summer researching how people perceive and interact with sandy landscapes on the Dutch Wadden Islands. Her work explores diverse worldviews and onto-epistemologies related to sand and sea, aiming to uncover how these perspectives are integrated into the governance of the North Sea and Wadden Sea.
The wealth of the North Sea: A fishermen’s view of sand extraction
The Dutch Fishermen’s Union is actively contributing to the OR ELSE project on sand extraction in the North Sea. Amerik Schuitemaker stresses the importance of fishermen’s knowledge in research and decision-making. He advocates cooperation between fishermen and scientists and encourages Dutch people to eat more local fish.
OR ELSE on expedition
OR ELSE researchers Stef Gerard and Lucas Warmuth were on board the research vessel Pelagia from April 15 to 22. […]
The sand extractors who will soon receive the ‘operational recommendations’
How It Began The men were both involved in the experiments and the associated research on the sand pits of […]
Latest news
Because of sea level rise, we need more and more sand from the North Sea to protect our coast, and housing construction also requires a lot of sand. OR ELSE aims to ecologically optimize sand extraction in the North Sea so that the marine ecosystem remains healthy and continues to provide us with food. Want to read more about our research? Click here.